Development fears for former school site

Clarkefield Primary School. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 209597_04

By Jessica Micallef

Concerns are growing over the future use of the former Clarkefield Primary School.

The school, on Lancefield Road, was de-staffed in 2016 because of a lack of enrolments, and wasl formally closed at the end of last year following community consultation.

However, future use of the school is still up in the air.

Sunbury resident Elaine Brogan claims “demolition” fences were put around the school earlier this year.

She said she was worried about what the former school could be turned into

“I am very anxious that our Australian history, especially out here in Sunbury, Gisborne and all out this area, has been bulldozed for the sake of major housing developments,” she said.

“That school … is part of Australia’s history and heritage. It is 100 plus years old, that school site.

“You only have to look at the big publicity signs along Lancefield Road to know there are major estates going to be developed.”

Ms Brogan said the site should be transformed into a service that can be used by locals.

“With all this new housing development going on, they will be looking somewhere for playgrounds, kinders and perhaps even junior, low level prep to grade three schooling,” she said.

“It would be perfect for that. Young mums are always looking for places.

“It would even be perfect for a community house. It is set up for that so why can’t it continue to be used for that?

“People are also looking to do community art and craft or learn a trade. It certainty can be used by … the folk that are going to be living there or in the vicinity of it.”

“Let people have a vision. Let them visualise that it’s a beautiful site.”

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas said the former school site had been retained by the Department of Education and Training.

“The department will work with the local council and community regarding the possible use of the former school site for community purposes in the future,” she said.