Customer centres at your service


Jessica Micallef

Macedon Ranges council’s customer service centres in Romsey and Woodend have reopened.

The reopening of the centres follows the state government’s easing of COVID-19 restrictions.

The centres will have limits on the number of people allowed inside the buildings. Room bookings will not be available in the initial reopening phase but will be considered as restrictions continue to ease.

The council and the Goldfields Library Corporation will work together to manage attendance and contact tracing processes at both sites.

Contactless payments are encouraged, although cash will still be accepted.

Access to in-person support for planning, building and local law matters will not be available and signage at reopened council facilities will encourage visitors to comply with social distancing directions and to practise good hand hygiene.

Romsey’s customer service desk in Main Street will be open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 10am-3pm.

The Woodend customer service desk will open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from November 24.

The council is working towards reopening service centres in Gisborne and Kyneton. In the interim, customers are encouraged to visit the Romsey or Woodend centres or call 5422 0333.