Crime Stoppers addressing youth


Crime Stoppers Victoria is working with young Victorians to combat increased rates of youth violence by asking them to ‘Share If You Care’ in a new campaign.

According to Crime Statistics Data, there has been an increase in serious and violent offenses committed by individuals aged 14 to 17, with 6433 crimes against a person recorded in the past 12 months to the end of March 2024.

The new campaign is asking young people to share footage on their phones with Crime Stoppers, while staying anonymous.

Crime Stoppers will further empower young people in the fight against crime by taking the campaign to schools. Resources will be available for students, parents and guardians to help with the tough conversations regarding youth violence.

Crime Stoppers Victoria chief executive Stella Smith wants young people to know, “It doesn’t matter who you are, the question is, who are you protecting by not sharing what you know? Crime Stoppers gives you a way to speak up without fear.”

“Young people can easily put in an online report and share images and videos they already have on their phones. Online reporting also allows them to share content they may be seeing on social media” Ms. Smith said.

About 66 per cent of reports to Crime Stoppers Victoria are made online, and Ms Smith said the providing of information such as footage can change the outcome of an investigation and assist police massively.

Crime Stoppers are reachable on 1800 333 000 or at