Creative country women

CWA Gisborne members Chris Caddaye, Kay Maliowski, Christine Edwards, and Kathy Page, and CWA Kyneton Twilighters member Christine Jessup. (Supplied).

Locally produced art, preserves, and home cooking will be on display at a CWA Central Highlands art exhibition at Lancefield Mechanics Institute next month.

Celebrating local creativity, the CWA Central Highlands Group Creative Arts Exhibition will present art, craft, and homecooked goods from CWA members across Sunbury and the wider Central Highlands group of branches.

Lunch, refreshments, and scones will also be available, providing attendees the opportunity to catch up and discuss their favourite works.

For those looking for a bargain, cheap craft supplies will be on offer at a market stall.

CWA state vice president Amanda Millar said the exhibition will be a fantastic event, showcasing “the best art, craft and cooking skills,” from CWA branches in the region.

“I look forward to attending this every year, and of course, I make sure I have a scone and a cuppa with a friend while I’m there,” Ms Millar said.

The exhibition will run from 10am–4pm on Saturday, April 16 and from 10am–3pm on Sunday, April 13 at the Lancefield Mechanics Institute, 4 The Crescent, Lancefield.

There will also be an awards ceremony for the entrants at 11am on the Saturday.

Entry costs $5 for adults and is free for those aged under 16.

Contact: Mel Pritchard, 0423 672 719