Cracking a million eggs to make a difference

Josh Murray has built his ethical egg business from scratch, all while giving back to those most in-need. (Supplied)

Pioneering ethical egg entrepreneur Josh Murray last week delivered his millionth egg to charity.

Since the age of nine, Mr Murray has been building his ethical chicken egg business, Josh’s Rainbow Eggs, from his family’s farm in Monegeetta.

As well as selling his produce at supermarkets across regional and metropolitan Victoria, Mr Murray also provides dozens of eggs to families in-need, by matching any donations made on his business website.

Now 12 years into the business, Mr Murray said he’s proud of the ethical empire he’s developed.

“We make sure our hens have the best life possible,” he said.

“They range on wide-open paddocks, sleep in mobile solar powered sheds and do all the things hens love to do – forage for seeds and bugs, dust and sun-bathe.”

With the help of the federal government’s Department of Social Services and OzHarvest, Josh’s Rainbow Eggs have contributed more than 70,000 eggs to 15,000 families at cost price.

Mr Murray said the holiday season was the perfect time to consider giving back.

“Victorians now have a wonderful opportunity to help us donate more eggs to families

struggling over Christmas,” Mr Murray said.

“For the very first time we can ensure that families in need – especially children – are

receiving the nutrition they require.”


Oliver Lees