Countdown to council elections


By Jessica Micallef

Preparations have begun for the 2020 Macedon Ranges council election, scheduled for October 24.

The council will enter an “election period” , to run from noon September 24 to 6pm, October 25.

During this period, the Council Election Period Policy will ensure that council business continues in a “responsible and transparent” manner.

For individuals interested in standing for council, candidate information sessions will be held in August and September.

These optional sessions will cover topics including the role of local government and councillors, developing an election platform and how to campaign.

There is a new requirement in 2020 that anyone who wishes to nominate as a candidate must complete a mandatory training session prior to nominating.

Local Government Victoria is developing an e-learning module that will be made available from the end of the month to mid-September for prospective candidates to complete.

Macedon Ranges residents aged over 18 years must be on the electoral roll to be eligible to vote in the October postal election.

Residents must be an Australian citizen and have lived in Victoria for at least one month.

Locals need to enrol by 4pm on Friday, August 28 to be eligible to vote.

To enrol or update your details with the Victorian Electoral Commission, visit

For more information on the council’s election period, information sessions, candidate training and key election dates, call 5422 0333 or visit