Cool cats in need of some warmth

Photo: Shawn Smits

They’re cute and cuddly but in need of some warmth.

Woodend Veterinary Centre has called for donations of blankets to give cats that are up for adoption something to snuggle into on cold winter days and nights.

A spokeswoman says the clinic is currently housing about 30 cats due to an influx of animals at the Macedon Ranges pound.

“We have a larger than usual number this winter,” she says.

“We will welcome blankets, towels … whatever people can spare.”

For people wanting to make a more permanent difference, cats can be adopted for $195, and they come fully vaccinated, desexed and microchipped.

They also come with a goodie bag, including cat food.

Blankets can be left at the clinic, at the corner of Wood and Brooke streets.

Details: 5427 9200 or