Continuing to sign the streets

Sunbury Family History and Heritage Society treasurer Trevor Dunn with the new historical street sign on Vaughan Street, Sunbury. (Damjan Janevski) 317528_01

Street signs around Hume may soon include historical information, following the success of the Historical Street Signage Project in Sunbury.

At a council meeting on Monday, October 9, councillors voted to reinvestigate the possibility of adding a short sentence to street signs by contacting historical groups in the municipality.

Speaking to the motion, Cr Naim Kurt said he was pleased to witness the expansion of the very successful street signage project.

“This project, which began in Sunbury, will look to extend to other historical areas of Hume, celebrating our community’s rich heritage,” he said.

“I’ve always been a strong advocate for heritage protection, and history recognition. I’m hoping through the expansion of this project tonight we can see the recognition of the history of many streets in our municipality.

“Through this project we will finally be able to recognise our city’s strong connection as well with the 1956 Olympics with many streets… [named] after Olympic champions.”

There will be a six week community consultation period for residents, and historical and heritage associations to make suggestions for streets on which historical street signs could be installed.

The historical groups contacted may include the Craigieburn Historical Interest Group, the Broadmeadows Historical Society and the Friends of Will Will Rook Pioneer Cemetery.

Cr Kurt said suggestions for signs will include proposed wording and reference information, while maintaining existing design and verification times will depend on suggestion numbers.

“This project emphasises inclusivity with agenda impact assessment and a focus on cultural diversity,” he said.

“I can say that written and verbal responses expressing an interest in participating in the project have been received from all the above groups.”

Zoe Moffatt