Community house meeting


The Macedon and Mount Macedon Community House is inviting local residents to its third annual general meeting (AGM).

The meeting will be held on Monday, May 20, from 7.30pm to 8.30pm, at 47 Victoria Street, Macedon, and discuss house activities, membership and committee of management nominees.

House president Sam Hodson encouraged residents to come and learn more about the community house.

“Come and hear about projects and programs occurring at the house with a presentation on the progress of the exciting landscape project which is transforming the streetscape at the house,” he said.

“We always welcome new projects, programs, members and volunteers, especially those who will help shape the future of the house by joining the committee of management.”

The AGM will present the financial statements for 2023, elect office bearers and general committee members, accept new members and present a report on house activities.

It is required that attendance register prior to the meeting with dietary requirements, and/or their intention to nominate for the house committee. Refreshments will be available after the meeting.