Community Calendar

This week's photographer's choice picture is of comedian Deborah Barrese dressed up as 'Carmen', a character from her upcoming live comedy. (Damjan Janevski) 410912_01

Want your event listed? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication.

Repair Cafe Sunbury

Bring an item that needs repair and volunteer repairers will do their best to fix it with you. Or just drop in for a cuppa. Saturday June 15, 10am-12.30pm. All are welcome. Sunbury Neighbourhood House, 531 Elizabeth Drive Sunbury. or 9740 6978.

Neighbourhood Garden

Become part of Sunbury’s Neighbourhood Garden and grow edible and useful plants in a social group at Sunbury Neighbourhood House, 531 Elizabeth Drive Sunbury. All skill sets are welcome at the next working bee Saturday June 15, from 10am-12:30pm or 9740 6978.

The Sunsets present “Sunsets Boulevard”

Head to Gisborne Uniting Church for an exciting matinee of musical theatre, featuring songs from Oliver!, Les Miserables, Wicked, West Side Story, Mamma Mia, Chicago and many more. The event will be held at Gisborne Uniting Church, 23 Brantome St, Gisborne, Sunday, 23 June from 2pm. Entry for adults is $25 and $20 for concession/students.

Afternoon tea to follow the concert. Tickets at the door or contact Maree.

■ Maree, 0423 051 318

Bible Expo

Macedon Ranges Seventh-day Adventist Church at 18 Barringo Road New Gisborne would like to invite you to a special event happening on Saturday, June 22, 11am–12.30pm. Come along and see ancient texts that changed the world, including a replica of the First Bible printed on the Gutenberg Press in 1450, an original 12-13th century Ethiopic New Testament manuscript, an original 1567 Latin Psalms Bible, an original 1549 Tyndale leaf and many more fascinating items.

■ Melissa, 0413 871 921 or Graham, 0409 794 498.

Sunbury and Surrounds LGBTIQ Social Club

The club has an ongoing catch up every third Saturday at the Brown Cow Cafe in Rosenthal at 1pm. They can also be found on Facebook where they have chats, discussions and other events advertised.

Neighbourhood garden

Become part of Sunbury’s Neighbourhood Garden and grow edible and useful plants in a social group at Sunbury Neighbourhood House, 531 Elizabeth Drive, Sunbury. All skill sets are welcome. or 9740 6978

Sunbury Woodworkers Club

Join the Sunbury Woodworkers Club to learn woodturning. No experience or tools required. The club is a welcoming environment open to men and women who wish to learn. Meetings for new guests are held on the third Wednesday of every month at 730pm. Circular drive, Jackson’s Hill, Sunbury. Facebook: Sunbury Woodworkers Club.

■ Anita, 0417 402 795


Sunbury-Macedon Ranges VIEW Club is a friendly women’s organisation and a valued part of The Smith Family. Members meet on the third Friday of each month at 11am at Club Sunbury, Riddell Road, Sunbury. New members warmly welcome

■ Lee-anne, 0403 047 909

Sunbury Art Society

The Sunbury Art Society meets every Friday and Saturday, from 10am- 3pm, at the Boilerhouse, Jacksons Hill, to paint or draw over a cuppa with other like minded people. New members welcome.

■ Ken, 0407 062 568 or Yvonne, 0429 994 828

Yoga in Sunbury

Yoga classes at Sunbury Neighbourhood House focus on supporting participants to slow down and move well. Special attention is given to mindful awareness of movement that builds strength in a healthy and safe way, Monday mornings, Thursday evenings and Friday mornings

■. or 9740 6978.

Art group

The Woodend Art Group holds classes and workshops in the studios in the Woodend railway station complex. It also has a social Tuesday where members and interested people can come along in the morning, have a coffee and paint together in a social environment.

■ Colin Robinson, 0407 426 252.

VIEW club

Sunbury-Macedon Ranges VIEW Club is a friendly women’s organisation and a valued part of The Smith Family. We meet on the third Friday of each month at 11am at Club Sunbury, Riddell Road, Sunbury.

New members warmly welcome

For more information please visit or visit our Facebook group “Sunbury Macedon Ranges VIEW Club” and send us a message.

■ Lee-anne, Vice President of the Sunbury – Macedon Ranges VIEW Club.

Shuttles and pickleballs

Macedon Ranges Badminton Club is inviting residents to come and play badminton, or pickleball, or both at Macedon Community Centre. Badminton is played on Tuesdays from 7.30pm and Thursdays at 9.30am. Pickleball is played on Mondays at 6.30pm, Wednesdays at 10.15am and on Tuesday from 10am at the Romsey Recreation Centre.

■ David, 0419 589 425, or

Scottish country dancing

The Macedon Ranges Scottish Country Dancing Group meets every Thursday afternoon 1-3pm at Buffalo Stadium, Woodend. The dancing involves social country dancing, and no special clothes needed, just soft flat shoes.

■ Meg, 5427 1100, or Linda, 0408 476 317

Community. Connect. Create.

If you are needing support or looking for a social group to join, you can visit Community. Connect. Create, which is an online resource listing support and community groups in the Macedon Ranges. if you would like your group listed or would like to work to help this project grow please email:

Amateur radio club

The Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club meets on the third Saturday of the month at the Woodend RSL Hall, 32 Anslow Street, Woodend, at 10am. If you are interested in amateur radio or already have a call sign, this could be for you.

Take off weight naturally

Struggling to lose weight? Struggling to get motivated? Want to try and do it in a friendly and less stressful atmosphere? Come and join TOWN (Take Off Weight Naturally) every Thursday at 9am at the Sunbury Neighbourhood House, 531 Elizabeth Drive, Sunbury.

■ Rhonda, 0409 740 924