Want your event listed? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to westeditorial@starweekly.com.au by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication.
Sunbury Art Society
The Sunbury Art Society meets every Friday and Saturday from 10am-3pm at the Boilerhouse, Jacksons Hill, to paint or draw over a cuppa with other like minded people. New members welcome.
■ Ken, 0407062568 or Yvonne, 0429994828
Your Enchanted Garden
Drummond resident Phillipa Bellemore will be holding a one day memoir writing workshop on Saturday, March 16, in Lauriston from 10-4pm. The day will be spent in a beautiful environment practising different writing genres.
Shuttles and pickleballs
Macedon Ranges Badminton Club is inviting residents to come and play badminton, or pickleball, or both at Macedon Community Centre. Badminton is played on Tuesdays from 7.30pm and Thursdays at 9.30am. Pickleball is played on Mondays at 6.30pm, Wednesdays at 10.15am and on Tuesday from 10am at the Romsey Recreation Centre.
■ David 0419 589 425 or macedonrangesbadminton@gmail.com
Scottish Country Dancing
The Macedon Ranges Scottish Country Dancing Group meets every Thursday afternoon 1-3pm at Buffalo Stadium, Woodend. The dancing involves social country dancing, and no special clothes needed, just soft flat shoes.
■ Meg 54271100 or Linda 0408476317
Community. Connect. Create.
If you are needing support or looking for a social group to join, you can visit Community. Connect. Create, which is an online resource listing support and community groups in the Macedon Ranges. if you would like your group listed or would like to work to help this project grow please email: fiona@communityconnectcreate.com.au
■ Communityconnectcreate.com.au
Amateur Radio Club
The Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club meets on the third Saturday of the month at the Woodend RSL Hall, 32 Anslow Street, Woodend at 10am. If you are interested in amateur radio or already have a call sign, this could be for you.
Take off weight naturally
Struggling to lose weight? Struggling to get motivated? Want to try and do it in a friendly and less stressful atmosphere? Come and join TOWN (Take Off Weight Naturally) every Thursday at 9am at the Sunbury Neighbourhood House, 531 Elizabeth Drive, Sunbury.
■ Rhonda, 0409 740 924
Kyneton Badminton Club
Kyneton Badminton Club is a welcoming, fun and social group that plays on Mondays, at 7pm at the Kyneton Toyota Sports and Aquatic Centre, Victoria Street. All skill levels welcome.
Sunbury Macedon Ranges Lodge
Meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, 73 Main Street, Romsey. New members welcome.
■ Wayne, 0404 034 737, or Ian, 0438 240 402
Local camera club
The Macedon Ranges Photographic Society is your local camera club for friendship, photographic outings, workshops, guest presenters, competitions and more. Meetings on the first Tuesday of the month, followed by the next Monday. Doors open at 7pm, meeting starts at 7.30pm at Dromkeen, 1012 Kilmore Road, Riddells Creek.
Breast cancer support group
On the first and third Tuesday of the month breast cancer survivors are invited to head along to the Gisborne Golf Club at 10.30am to take part in a breast cancer support group.
■ Lesley, 0484 691 226
Village connect
Enjoy free coffee and cake while connecting with fellow Macedon Ranges residents 55 years old and older. Happening on Tuesdays and Thursday at cafes across the municipality.
■ bit.ly/3AMUrxm, or 5422 0262
Arts and games night
Get creative at the Sunbury Youth Centre each Wednesday from 3.30-5.30pm. The free program is for people aged 12 to 18 years old, at 51-53 Evans Street, Sunbury.
Sunbury and Macedon Ranges Toastmasters helps its members develop their public speaking, communication and leadership skills. The group meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month, from 7.20-9.30pm, at the Sunbury Senior Citizens Hall.
■ vpm-4185@toastmastersclubs.org
Sunbury Seniors
Sunbury Seniors (55 or older) meet on Mondays and Fridays at 8 O’Shanassy Street, Sunbury, from 10am-3pm. A variety of activities are offered – indoor bowls, cards, snooker, guest speakers, day excursions, subsidised lunches or just a cup of coffee and a chat.
■ 0434 400 754
Probus Club Of Sunbury
Join the Probus Club of Sunbury on the first Wednesday of the month at the Sunbury Bowling club at 9.30am. It’s a friendly men’s group open to visitors and new members, with a number of great events held each month.
■ Greg, 0417593035
CWA Woodend Eves
The CWA Woodend Eves Branch is part of the Central Highlands group and meets every third Tuesday at 7pm at the Woodend Neighbourhood house. All women are welcome.
Hume Men’s Shed
The Hume Men’s Shed (Sunbury) is a non for profit organisation, meeting every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 158 Evans Street Sunbury. The group caters for men be it carpentry, welding, metal work, gardening or just to chat.
■ sunburymensshed.com or 0438677425
Sunbury Badminton Club
The Sunbury Badminton Club plays social games on Tuesdays and Wednesdays nights from 7.30-9.30 pm, and on Wednesdays 10am-12pm. Monday night is a round robin competition from 7.30-9.30pm. All welcome to attend at Clarke Oval Stadium, 49 Riddell Road.
One Voice Sunbury
One Voice Sunbury community choir rehearses each Tuesday from 6.30pm at Goonawarra Neighbourhood House. Fun and welcoming choir, new members welcome, no prior singing experience required. Just join in the fun.
Sunbury health and wellbeing trail walk.
The health and wellbeing walk will include yoga, a walk around Salesian lake and surprise treatment at the centre for wellbeing foundation. It will cost $95, and includes lunch, fresh juice and half hour treatment. Limited bookings available.
■ cfwellbeingfoundation@gmail.com or Sandra, 0411 100 947
Sunbury-Macedon Ranges VIEW Club is a friendly women’s organisation and a valued part of The Smith Family. We meet on the third Friday of each month at 11am at Club Sunbury, Riddell Road, Sunbury. New members warmly welcome.
■ Lee-anne, 0403 047 909