Chopping locks for change

Charlie, 11, and his mum Katherine Butler (Damjan Janevski). 394061_02

Zoe Moffatt

With his dark blond hair getting longer every day, an 11-year-old from Sunbury is counting down the days until he shaves off his beloved mullet.

Parting with your hair is a decision not many kids – or even adults – can make, but it was an easy one for Charlie Butler.

It was born out of a desire to ignite a conversation about men’s mental health and raise money for those struggling, after Charlie’s father took his own life in March 2023.

While Charlie will miss his mullet, he said he wants to inspire anyone struggling with their mental health.

“It makes me feel sad that some men don’t share their problems,” he said.

Charlie said he hopes men will continue to open up about their mental health and talk to people, including therapists, about their struggles.

Charlie’s mother Katherine Butler said Charlie’s father’s death affected his schooling and attendance, but he has since improved.

“I was at school every day last year for Charlie,” Kath said. “He actually failed the year… [but this year he’s] done really well at school.

“He’s picked up with all his classes. He’s actually talking more about… mental health and he’s opening up a lot more.”

When Charlie told Kath he wanted to shave his mullet to raise money for the Black Dog Institute, she said she thought it was an awesome idea.

“I was rapt because he can finally have a haircut,” she said, laughing.

“He came out after school when I picked him up and said, I really want to shave my mullet off for men’s mental health.”

Since starting the fundraiser, Kath said they’ve been excited to see how many people have donated and rallied around Charlie.

“The fundraising has been really good so far and lots of people have left lovely messages for Charlie.

“It’s boosted his confidence as well.”

Charlie will shave his mullet at the end of April or start of May. Donations can be made:

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