Cheers for Thursday

Goonawarra Aged Care residents enjoying their lunch (supplied).

Goonawarra Aged Care residents were full of smiles on Thursday, after a trip to the local winery and three course meal.

About 25 residents dressed up and sang their favourite tunes from the 1950s on the bus ride to lunch.

Leisure and lifestyle coordinator Alex Patrick said the residents enjoyed themselves and made the most of the day despite the bad weather.

“It was a fun day, we hired a bus and the residents were happy and singing songs, including some by Johnny Cash,” Mr Patrick said.

“They said it was the best day ever for a long long long time, and they just couldn’t stop singing hip hip hooray.

“For the appetiser residents could choose between mushroom soup, calamari, and dips and bread.

“For the mains there was either fish and chips, a big size of calamari, chicken risotto or chicken parmigiana. For dessert there was panna cotta, cheesecake, or ice cream.”

Mr Patrick said residents finished off the meal with their choice of either tea or coffee, and this was followed by a wine tasting.

“They tried red wine, white wine and sparkling wine, and we had a big group discussion where they sang and laughed,” he said.

“We finished the lunch with a small walk despite the bad weather and… we went home at about 2.30pm.”

Zoe Moffatt