Celebrating young victorians

The skills and achievements of young Victorians, including those in Sunbury and Macedon Ranges, will be on show across the state later this year at a month-long festival.

Youth Minister Natalie Suleyman announced on February 15, an investment of $220,000 to deliver up to 110 events across the state for and by young Victorians.

Grants of $2000 are available for youth organisations, local government and schools to partner with Victorians aged 12 to 25 to create a wide variety of events for young people in their communities.

Ms Suleyman said the government is proud to support this wonderful program.

“Youth Fest is so important for sharing the voices of young people and celebrating everything they contribute to Victoria.”

“Youth Fest gives young people from across our state the opportunity to come together, build social connections and lead positive change.”

Youth Fest kicks off in September and this investment will support young people to organise and deliver events, showcase their skills, share ideas, build social connections, and expand their networks.

In 2023, the Youth Fest program delivered 111 activities focused on art, music, sport and theatre, as well as recreational and community festivals, giving young Victorians the chance to have their voices heard.

Previous grant recipients include the Victorian Afghan Students Association for an Afghanistan’s Got Talent event that included an art exhibition, short story competition and singing contest.

In regional Victoria, Campaspe Cohuna Local Learning and Employment Network hosted the Kyabram Youth Expo.

This included an art exhibition and music performances, along with stalls providing information on local health, welfare, sports organisations, and youth services.

Applications are open until March 15.

Details: youthfest.vic.gov.au.