Celebrating three years of service

Volunteers Anna Quiggley and Rob Good, with their dog Charlie (supplied).

A dynamic duo from Romsey are hanging up their car keys after three years of delivering meals, which saw them visit almost 2000 homes, and deliver 8072 meals.

Volunteers Anna Quiggley and Rob Good, along with their dog Charlie, first started delivering meals in COVID-19 lockdown through a joint Romsey and Lancefield Neighbourhood House initiative.

Romsey Neighbourhood House Manager Michelle Balthazar said the initiative helped to connect vulnerable community members, and was only possible through the work of volunteers.

“We’ve had an incredible team of people producing the meals, donating food, and delivering,” Ms Balthazar said.

“Meals on Wheels stopped a few years ago and we could see there was still a need for it. We’d heard lots of stories of people, particularly elderly people, living on two minute noodles and cup soups.

“The food really became a byproduct, it was the connection we made with people… and making sure they were okay at the time.

“[Especially] in COVID-19 lockdowns, it was touching base with vulnerable people to check in on them.”

Ms Balthazar said funding for the delivery service came from grants, which have been exhausted.

“We’re still recognising that there’s a really big need [for the meals]… but unfortunately our funding to provide the delivery service has ceased,” she said.

“People who need meals can still get [them] from the Romsey and Lancefield foodshare… [along with] food parcels… [and] if there’s any exceptional cases we’re still happy to deliver.”

Zoe Moffatt