Celebrating half a decade

(L-R) Sunbury Junior Football Club current president Chris Hanson, former coach Danny Whytcross and founder Larry Davis (Damjan Janevski). 389187_03

With footy players across the state gearing up for another season, the Sunbury Junior Football Club is preparing to celebrate its half a decade legacy.

This legacy which has been instrumental in sport throughout Sunbury, would not have been made possible without the dedication of its founder, Larry Davis.

“I started the club because I nearly knocked two kids over… in 1973,” Larry admits.

“They were kicking a football around on the street… and ran out on the road to catch the ball. I asked them why they weren’t playing football with a club and they said ‘well there isn’t one’.

“I went to schools and got 100 kids’ names who were interested in playing junior football.”

Larry said he still remembers the club’s first training session. It was a rainy and misty day, which was clouded with doubt over if any kids would show up.

“I thought to myself no kids are going to turn up, but 70 kids did. [Now there’s] 430 players each weekend connected with the Sunbury Junior football Club.”

Larry said the success of the club makes him feel proud as punch, and includes players such as David Schwarz and Mark Johnson going on to play in the AFL.

Other highlights for Larry include coaching a four-peat premiership for his under 16s team, and being voted youth coach of the year by the AFL.

As a proud Carlton supporter Larry said he will be watching this season with interest.

Zoe Moffatt