Catch Santa in Woodend

Woodend CFA members with Santa as they prepare for the end of year Christmas Santa run. (Damjan Janevski)

Children of the Macedon Ranges will have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of Santa in Woodend before he rushes off to deliver presents.

The Woodend Country Fire Authority (CFA) will be helping Santa get around town on one of their fire trucks, hitting the main streets of Woodend on the afternoon of Christmas Eve.

The festive fire truck will start at the corner of Blackmore Road and Simpsons Lane at 2pm and will then snake its way through the area before finishing at Shannon Court.

Woodend CFA captain Mike Dornau said his crew would do their best to help Santa meet as many kids as possible.

“Whilst he will still be visiting every home when he delivers his presents at night with his sleigh and reindeer, we cannot guarantee that we will get to everyone in the short time we have available with Santa on our truck during the afternoon,” Mr Dornau said.

“So, this year we have decided it is best for Santa to travel only on some of the major streets and also to be at specific locations at certain times so that people and families can organise to be there.”

A full list of Santa’s Christmas Eve timetable can be found on Woodend CFA’s website.


Oliver Lees