Candidates vie for election


As 20 candidates vie to fill the nine vacant councillor roles in this month’s Macedon Ranges local government elections, we meet the candidates who have nominated. There are three vacancies each in East Ward, South Ward and West Ward.

East Ward

Cassy Borthwick

My commitment: To be a truly independent, transparent, community candidate. A vote for me places the needs of our community, its residents and businesses at the centre of all decision-making.

In my 20 years as a Romsey local, I have owned and operated a small business, hosted local events, volunteered, and raised three delightful and resilient children.

I understand our region’s constructed and natural environments and the existing service infrastructure limitations. Our infrastructure requires committed investment. I believe roads, rates and waste management are foundational to a safe, high functioning and sustainable community, so let’s manage these with a vision for our future.

If you elect me as your East Ward representative, I will work to connect the community respectfully so, collectively, we can take considered steps for a sustainable future.

Visit my website: or phone 0427 317 388 for further information.

Dion Alderton

The Macedon Ranges offers a beautiful regional lifestyle. Our community should be preserved and protected from over-populated, crowded developments. My bid to be elected as a councillor is to preserve the Ranges for its natural appeal while promoting enhanced amenities for residents and supporting businesses to thrive. My wife and I chose the Ranges to settle in and raise our family because we appreciate the clean air, wide open spaces, and lifestyle offered by the surrounding environment. We love the warmth of the local community and value the opportunity to raise our two children in such a special place in a caring community. I am committed to balancing development and growth while ensuring the region’s unique character is respected. I will advocate for local businesses, community activities, events, and tourism to showcase the beauty and culture of Macedon Ranges, boosting local pride and economic opportunities.

Andy McKenzie

My journey to the Macedon Ranges is six years short. My partner and I purchased 42 acres of prime farmland six years ago after moving from Tooboorac. Eighteen months after covid we decided to open our own store in Romsey and dedicate my time to the district, we opened Macedon Ranges Land and Sea next door to the IGA in Romsey, this was a vacant building at the time as the post office had relocated.

We proudly support the local football and netball club with a small sponsorship. We are also proud to say we offer significant discounts to our senior community. I have also made sure that we stock locally made products where possible. I am running for council, not for me, but for the eastern ward community as a whole.

Henry Bleeck

My formative years were blissfully spent on a rural property midway between Romsey and Lancefield. I attended local schools and apart from five years in the Army, have always lived and worked locally. My wife Wendy and I have raised our three children in the Macedon Ranges and are now the proud grandparents of a small toddler, another local resident. Having had previous experience as a Macedon Ranges councillor, I feel well placed to understand the concerns and needs of our rapidly evolving community. I am a local CFA firefighter and worked for many years at Monegeetta, for the Department of Defence in a job which included environmental care, particularly in regards to grasslands and waterways. We all recognise our changing climate and need to ensure that our actions and policies help to protect our unique rural environment for future generations to come.

Daniel Young

As a lifelong resident of Romsey and Lancefield, I’m committed to our community. My wife and I have chosen to raise our three children here and invest in the area’s future. I’m running because I’m often frustrated with council’s focus on minor causes and ideologies, rather than core services. I represented the people of the Macedon Ranges when I served a term in the Victorian Parliament independent of major parties. I’ve been involved in local sport as a kid and now with my own children. I have assisted community groups like Men’s Sheds. I have also spent time on the board of a not-for-profit organisation and have advocated on issues that affect rural peoples jobs, lifestyle and recreation. I want efficient governance and common sense in council. Importantly, I wish to see that the East Ward gets its fair share of infrastructure spending and investment and is no longer ignored.

Geoffrey Neil

My vision for the Macedon Ranges is to have leadership which works in partnership with its community, ensuring that that community voice is heard. To ensure infrastructure keeps pace with growth. Is fully aware of the environmental values which makes us a desirable place to live and raise a family.

Andrew Scanlon

My vision for the Macedon Ranges is to create a place where people can live, work and be happy without fear of prejudice or judgement. A place where parents can raise happy resilient kids. A place where we can

interact with nature and enjoy the outdoors. A life where the journey is as important as the destination.

South Ward

John Letchford

I have lived and worked in the shire since pre Ash Wednesday (Feb1983) and seen many changes. I have also worked with other local governments and bring a deep understanding of community and how to correct failures. Council has failed to address important basic issues especially local roads. How deep do potholes have to get before action? Planning is another contentious issue but it does not have to be like that. Council has dropped the ball, it is time for change. I am always available and you will see me at markets or down the street in Gisborne or coffee shops. I do not hide from seeing you and being available. Together lets stop the sea of terracotta tiles taking over, keep our farms, open spaces and forests. Sensible tourism and events. I support local by being proactive. Vote 1.

Alison Joseph

A resident of Macedon Ranges for over 30 years, I am passionate about protecting our natural environment. My vision is for a council that delivers what the community wants, is open, accountable, keeps costs down and uses ratepayer’s money wisely. A council that engages in genuine consultation with the community and makes sensible, evidenced-based decisions. I have extensive experience in public health and business improvement, and have completed a bachelor of science and a master of business.

Dom Bonanno

I love the Macedon Ranges – that’s why my wife and I decided to move here twenty years ago. With three teenagers at home, I have a genuine understanding of the issues that our young people face in our community. I’m committed to ensuring all our children have a safe and better future. I will promote the protection and enhancement of the natural, social, and economic environment whilst encouraging policies that promote healthy and active lifestyles, including my support of Macedon Ranges Sports Precinct future stages and a renewed focus on a new Gisborne skatepark. I have been a volunteer at our local Gisborne SES unit for over 10 years, and along with other family members, I have volunteered at the Gisborne Pony Club and the Gisborne Giants Football Netball Club. Honesty, transparency, and good governance are very important to me, and if you are wondering, I am still a member of the Liberal Party of Victoria.

Christine Walker

My vision is for a vibrant shire with excellent resources, amenity and well supported community organisations. Our natural environment is exceptional and needs to be preserved, and our towns well designed. Promotion of local business is important to the local economy and employment.

Rob Guthrie

My vision is to promote local employment opportunities to reduce car usage and protect the natural environment. Providing responsible development that respects the community’s wishes, the environment and physical constraints of the area. Improving our built environment and heritage protection and developing economic and social opportunities to enhance the community and our lifestyle

West Ward

Jennifer Anderson

I first visited Woodend on a scavenger hunt as a medical student and knew I wanted to return. Many years later I finally made the decision to move from Melbourne to Woodend with my partner, who grew up in Gisborne. and I commenced work as a GP at Lancefield Country Practice. We became, and still are, involved in Woodend Landcare given our passion for protecting our beautiful natural environment. Upon learning about a proposed large development on the outskirts of Woodend I became involved with a community group also concerned about it and I commenced attending council meetings to learn more on the processes involved in town planning and decision making. Encouraged by others I then ran for council, was elected, and have had the privilege of representing West Ward ever since. I am dedicated to the Macedon Ranges, listening to all voices, exploring ideas and volunteering whenever I can.

Janet Pearce

We moved to the beautiful Macedon Ranges (Woodend) 24 years ago and feel grateful to have raised our children here. I work locally as a nurse/ midwife including at Kyneton hospital and my husband, Jacques owns a local GP practice (Ranges Medical) so l’m very invested in our shire and people in every way. We’ve loved being involved with many groups and clubs, and l have been an active volunteer including on the Woodend Netball committee, toy library and chair of Woodend Neighbourhood House. It inspired me to run for council and l’ve been proud to have been elected and representing this community as an independent councillor for the last eight years. I continue to advocate for all of you. Connecting, hearing your ideas and thoughts, and strengthening your voices in council’s processes and decisions continue to motivate me. That’s why l am always out and about- full of energy and committed.

Kate Kendall

My name’s Kate Kendall and I’m an independent candidate offering fresh energy and a can-do attitude for West Ward. I started my campaign in June and have proactively engaged with the community since. My husband and I moved to Macedon in 2018 and now live on a farm in Kyneton with our three young daughters (connected with Kyneton Kindergarten and Tylden Primary School). I stand for helping families, supporting business, reducing red tape, genuine community consultation and doing the basics well (roads). I want to improve council’s performance for ratepayers. I’m open-minded, innovative and love connecting with people. I volunteer as the president of Business Kyneton, am on the board of Tourism Macedon Ranges, play soccer and have a professional background as a CEO and tech start-up founder. We’re missing a younger voice on the council. Vote 1 Kate Kendall for change. Connect or 0436 111 820.

Andrea Haintz

I am a first-time, independent candidate for the West Ward. A resident of Woodend since 2017, two children at Woodend Primary School with over four years on school council, an enthusiastic volunteer at children’s sport and owning a small business in Kyneton, I cross the West Ward daily. Prior to opening a small business, I spent 30 years in the strategic development of brands and products for some of Australia’s biggest retailers. I offer experience of successful implementation of organisational learning, service delivery and quality control, which I would use to create solid strategic foundations to fulfil the needs of our community, now and in the future. I see you, I hear you and electing me will give you a voice on council. So, please contact me by email to

Rob Bakes

Over the last 30 years, l have consistently stood up for community through my involvement in many campaigns, petitions and VCAT cases. I am presently the chair of Kyneton and District Town Square Co-Op which supports the concept of a Town Square in the heart of Kyneton bounded by Mollison, Simpson, Ebden and Baynton Streets. My vision as a councillor will be to maintain 10-minute towns across the Ranges with iron clad town boundaries. Growth must come from well designed infill development which promotes social connection and strengthens our country town rural values. I will uphold the aims and spirit of the Macedon Ranges Statement of Planning Policy. Councils must stand up for the community against state government bullying. For instance we must oppose the “one size fits all” urban sprawl associated with green-fields development. Council’s models for consultation are not fit for purpose. Instance the council vandalism of destroying nine sound, hundred-year-old, elms trees in the Kyneton showgrounds. We need to experiment with processes which will engage the community in co-design opportunities so we can avoid similar glaring mistakes and the perception of treachery.

Ryan Templeton

My vision is for an inclusive community that has transparent governance, responsible development evaluations and well-maintained local roads. My aim is to build a supportive environment for local families and to enhance community life by establishing an indoor aquatic centre in Woodend.

Karan Hayman

The Macedon Ranges is a unique region with great natural beauty and rural character. These aspects are some of the qualities that make the region so popular for young families new and old. These qualities need to be preserved and managed in hand with sustainable urban growth and development.

Callum Keats