Calling all teddy bears

Gisborne librarians Georgina Smith, Olivia Evans and Sara Shaw are getting ready for the teddy bear sleepover (Damjan Janevski). 365490_03

Teddy bears around the Macedon Ranges are gathering their belongings and packing a sleepover bag.

Children’s Week annual teddy bear sleepover is being held at Gisborne, Romsey and Kyneton libraries on October 27, and Woodend library on October 20.

The teddy bears are expected to get up to some mischief on the night, and residents up to five years old are encouraged to drop off their companion for the sleepover.

Goldfields libraries program and events coordinator Tammy Higgs said this is the second year of sleepovers, which shows children that if their teddy bear can have fun at the library, they can too.

“The teddy bears’ sleepover is our celebration of Children’s Week, for zero to 5-year-olds,” Ms Higgs said.

“The library is a fun place, and it’s an extra way to engage with those children. It is our way of offering something special for those children, which will encourage their sense of adventure, confidence and bravery.”

Before the teddy bears get dropped off for their sleepover, the children can enjoy a storytime with library staff, and they will receive a certificate when they pick up their teddy bears in the morning.

Ms Higgs said the teddy bears might do some dancing during the night, or even jump into the return bins for a quick picture.

“We’d love to set it up as a Children’s Week tradition, at the end of the day we want to encourage children feeling comfortable in the library and show it is a fun place to go,” she said.

“We know the benefits of early literacy and the life long benefits, we want to encourage that sense of adventure.”


Zoe Moffatt