Call to action on Sunbury carparking

Commuters, traders and employees will be encouraged to sign a new petition calling on the state government to act on a parking crisis that’s crippling central Sunbury.

With spaces around Sunbury train station all taken by 7am on most days, commuter Leanne Morgan said the situation could not be allowed to continue.

‘‘It affects everybody,” she said. “Businesses, workers, shoppers … a lot of people are going to Watergardens because they know they can’t get a park in Sunbury.

‘‘I’ve spoken to large numbers of commuters who all say they would be happy to pay provided they could park at the station.’’

A public meeting is likely to be organised as commuters look to ramp up pressure on the government.

As reported by Star Weekly, Hume council has been asked to explain why plans for a multi-level carpark in Evans Street were scrapped.

With spaces increasingly difficult to find, Cr Jack Medcraft has asked the council to prepare a report detailing how much a nearby grassland reserve, purchased by the former Shire of Bulla, was worth and how it came to be granted environmental protection.

Plans for a private multi-level carpark outside Harris Scarfe were abandoned in 2010 despite extensive talks between the private owner, council and Public Transport Victoria.


The town’s parking woes have increased since a crackdown on overstayers at short-term bays at Sunbury Central shopping centre began late last month, with many train passengers resorting to leaving their cars in nearby side streets.

Visiting Sunbury last week, state deputy opposition leader David Hodgett said the area’s ongoing population growth meant a long-term solution was required.

‘‘More of the same is not an option,’’ he said. ‘‘You can’t just add 100 spaces because they will fill up just as quickly and then you’re back to where you started.’’

Western Metropolitan Liberal MP Bernie Finn accused Sunbury MP Josh Bull of being ‘‘too quiet’’ about the town’s problems, such as carparking.

‘‘A growing community such as this one needs an MP who will go in and fight hard for them,’’ he said.

Mr Bull said he would continue to raise Sunbury’s parking issues with Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan.

‘‘For four years, the former Liberal government did nothing on this matter,’’ he said.

‘‘The Andrews Labor government recently announced a $20 million investment to deliver more than 1500 carparking spaces across Melbourne.”