SES Sunbury is calling for more volunteers, offering new skills, social connection, and a chance to assist your local community in times of need.
Volunteer Lachie Bell said that his favourite part of the Sunbury unit is the camaraderie.
“It’s really awesome. The people there are great teammates and friends and very inviting, and I think that they’re very supportive of your learning and development and making sure that you’re present in the team,” Mr Bell said.
He said that he also enjoys talking with and serving the public.
“It’s really good to engage and see that they’re happy … kind of giving them that sigh of relief that ‘oh, thank goodness, the SES is here to help.’ That’s when I’m most proud to be a member of the SES.”
The SES offering free training to volunteers. The Sunbury unit will hold a recruitment information night from 7pm on Wednesday, March 26 at Sunbury SES HQ, 21 McDougall Road, Sunbury.
Further details on becoming a volunteer are also available on the SES website.
Details: facebook.com/sessunbury