Workers from four of Sunbury’s largest employers will pick up rubbish at The Nook as part of Clean Up Australia Day activities.
Hume council, Sunbury Community Health and Salesian College employees will join Western Water counterparts to spruce up the popular swimming and picnic spot next to Jacksons Creek on Tuesday.
Western Water customer and community relations general manager Graham Holt says it’s a great chance to help make Sunbury a better place.
‘‘We’ve done a lot of work with Landcare and other environment groups to help improve Jacksons Creek over the years,’’ Mr Holt says.
‘‘Rubbish removal is another important way we can all protect our environment and help foster biodiversity.’’
Other events will be held across Sunbury and the Macedon Ranges as part of school clean-up day on Friday and the national day on Sunday.
With Macedon Ranges council offering free disposal at all transfer stations, mayor Graham Hackett is urging residents to pitch in.
Details: www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au