Breaking records

Hume VICSES volunteers at the Women in Rescue event (supplied).

Female VICSES volunteers from across Hume joined the largest ever Women in Rescue event over the weekend.

VICSES held the targeted training in eight locations throughout the state, for women to get hands-on experience with tools and equipment, share rescue skills and have fun in a safe and supportive environment.

VICSES chief executive Stephen Griffin said the event is a great opportunity for volunteers to learn and network.

“The Women in Rescue (WIR) initiative provides a great opportunity for both experienced and newer members to come together and share their skills and knowledge in a supportive environment, Mr Griffin said.

“It also provides a fantastic opportunity to network with fellow female volunteers from across your region.”

This year’s WIR event had a 93 per cent increase in attendance, making it the largest event since it was founded in 2018.

With 34 per cent of VICSES volunteers being female, Mr Griffin said the event aims to empower women and reflect the communities in the area.

“WIR aims to empower women to showcase their skills in contributing to the safety of our communities,” he said.

“It is critical that we reflect the communities we serve, and build the confidence and leadership among our women in orange.”

“Our female first responders at VICSES are incredible, and attend highly complex, challenging incidents.”

The WIR event was first designed after the Sunbury unit recognised the importance of encouraging more women into rescue operations.

Since 2018, the events have expanded with the latest event held at the same time in Pakenham, Bangholme, Wangaratta, Gippsland, Huntly, Bellarine, Ballarat and Gembrook.

Zoe Moffatt