Booming basketball registrations renews calls for sports hub

Macedon Ranges basketball is experiencing booming membership and the region’s courts are jam-packed.

More than 200 new members have registered to play for the Gisborne Bulldogs next season. The club plays at Woodend and Gisborne sports facilities.

The Bulldogs are part of a coalition of clubs, schools, associations and state bodies pushing for a Macedon Ranges Regional Sports Hub.

Court scheduling is at its peak with more than 3000 basketball, futsal, netball and volleyball players presently sharing 12 indoor sports courts, spread over six towns, in the Macedon Ranges.

Basketball Victoria and Netball Victoria also support the push for the centre, which would include administration space, storage, catering and bar facilities.

Macedon Ranges Basketball Association president Megan Condron says the influx of new members supports the calls for a six-court stadium in a central location.

“We’re spreading our games out across Tony Clarke Recreation Reserve at Macedon and John Marsden’s Alice Miller School courts as well,” Ms Condron said.

“It’s getting very tight on the busloads that we transport for midweek training. We’re trying to get every child a game and also allow them to train during the week.”

Ms Condron said the boost in new registrations was a good sign for sports across the region.

“This is exciting news … it means that people are getting active and wanting to play a variety of sports.”

She said there were 60 teams, each with eight players, travelling from the Macedon Ranges to play in the Sunbury basketball competition.

“We don’t want to have to turn anyone away so I hope we can keep the conversation going and move towards getting a new hub.”