Best hoofs forward

Riddells Creek Pony Club winners Michelle Woodcroft and Tamsyn Harvey with their coach Jo-Anne Heintz. (Supplied)

Elsie Lange

There’s a bit to neigh about at the Riddells Creek Pony Club (RCPC), with two triumphs at the 2022 Horseland Pony Club Victoria Games Flat Musical Team State Championships last month.

Two of RCPC’s three teams entered into the championships came out on top, while its Games Team came 11th out of 26 teams across Victoria.

Fifteen-year-old Michelle Woodcroft competed in both winning teams in two separate categories, including the pairs competition with Tamsyn Harvey and the musical competition with Tamsyn, Tana Male and Grace Bradshaw.

“Horse riding is often a very individual sport. This event allowed us to compete in teams which was so much fun and the change was very enjoyable,” Michelle said.

“Our teams spent many hours training together and we improved with every practice.”

In the pairs competition, Tamsyn and Michelle road a rehearsed dressage test they’d practiced, scoring a fabulous 140.5 out of 150 points.

RCPC’s musical ride scored the team 85 points out from Judge A, and 86.5 from Judge B.

“So many people supported our team through the Central Zone Championships and then onto the State Championships from our amazing coaches, our parents and RCPC. We couldn’t have done it without this support,” Michelle said.

“Pony Club is something we all look forward to every month from the little kids to the seniors.

“Pony club isn’t just about the riding but mostly about having fun doing things you love around supportive amazing people.”

Michelle said it was rewarding the club’s hard work and training paid off.

“We all went into the competitions with no expectations but to be safe and have fun with our horses and friends,” she said.

“We achieved this and our wins were a great bonus.”