Attracting teachers

The state government has launched a new recruitment process to attract more teachers.

The state government has launched a new recruitment process to attract more teachers, including those in Sunbury and Macedon Ranges, to work in government schools.

Education Minister Natalie Hutchins launched the Teacher Recruitment Initiative on August 31, which aims to streamline recruitment processes and reduce the time for schools to match and fill teaching vacancies.

Ms Hutchins said the initiative is making it easier than ever for schools to connect with teachers.

“The number of teachers in Victoria has grown at twice the national average and that’s no accident,” she said.

“We’re delivering a range of initiatives that have grown our workforce by 5000 extra teachers between 2020 and 2022.

“Victoria is home to some of the most talented teachers and school leaders in the nation.

“We’re backing them with the resources they need to do what they do best, [which is to] support our kids to get a world class education.”

The initiative includes a centralised recruitment platform that matches applicant preferences and availability with teacher vacancies.

Under this new platform, teachers can create an online profile in the job opportunities pool outlining employment preferences, including desired location.

They can then be considered simultaneously for vacancies, which reduces the need to manage multiple applications.

The job opportunities pool matches applicants’ skills and work preferences, providing a ready-made list of potential hires for school recruiters.

Selected graduates are also eligible to receive one of 400 financial incentive packages of $5650 to start their employment at a government school.