Art society welcomes new faces

Sunbury Art Society members Linden Bresal, Jeanette Morton, Ken Winnell, Miffy Howell, Yvone Bradford, Susan Sette and Marina Zakryszka holding their works at the Boilerhouse in Sunbury. (Damjan Janevski). 416611_01

Whether you’re a painter, sculptor, or crafter – Sunbury Art Society is a non-for-profit community group that warmly welcomes artists of all kinds and skill levels to become members.

Meeting each Friday and Saturday at The Boilerhouse, Jacksons Hill, president Ken Winnell said members meet to work on both new and in progress artworks in a social setting.

“Some people have got work they’ve been working on for a while they bring along, others start new stuff, some people will … come up and join us for a coffee and a chat,” Mr Winnell said.

“Any media, any surface – whatever interests people.”

Mr Winnell said artists have the opportunity to exhibit their works at the society’s annual exhibition on the first weekend of May and sell their works at their end-of-year art sale.

“Some people have their works up at Art on Piper in Kyneton, we have a few artists exhibited at Eight Oaks Café in Sunbury, others have their works exhibited in Belleview Café up on Jacksons Hill,” he said.

“We’re a very happy and friendly bunch who are always willing to help and support each other.”

The Sunbury Art Society started in 1985 and now consists of about 50 members.

Open to all artists over the age of 18, an annual membership is $50, with a discount offered to concession holders.


Oscar Parry