Applications open for disaster mitigation

Storms have caused considerable damage across the Macedon Ranges this year. (Supplied)

Macedon Ranges council is encouraging community groups to apply for fundings to improve resilience against disaster situations.

The Preparing Australian Communities – Local Stream Program provides funding from $20,000 to $10 million for organisations to reduce the impact of natural hazards on communities.

Macedon Ranges council planning and environment acting director Stephen Pykett said this is a valuable opportunity for the Macedon Ranges community.

“Macedon Ranges is a fire prone part of Victoria and we are still in the midst of cleaning up following the storms in June, October and November. Once rare, extreme fire and other weather driven events are now becoming more common, so I encourage community groups and organisations with disaster risk reduction and resilience initiatives to review the criteria and apply before the 6 January deadline,” he said.

Applications close January 6.

Council’s Storm Recovery Team is willing to provide advice to groups applying.
