Anxiety over Riddells Creek development

Elsie Lange

Riddells Creek residents have continued to voice their anxieties about the expansion of their town.

McEwen Liberal Democrats candidate and resident John Herron said the community wants to “preserve their way of life as a country town”.

“They are not adverse to development, but they don’t want their towns to turn into a complete urban sprawl,” Mr Herron said.

Mr Herron said a show of hands at a community meeting on February 21 revealed a “unanimous position” support to grow the town without “uncontrolled” high and medium density development.

An April 2022 project update regarding Amess Road in Riddells Creek said the preparation of a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) for land north of the road is continuing with a new planning and urban design team on board.

The update said the PSP will help form a future urban structure for the site, rezoned for urban growth as part of the 2013 Riddells Creek Structure Plan.

In a post on the Save Riddells Creek Facebook page, residents responded to Mr Herron’s post about the meeting.

“Too many houses being demolished by developers to be replaced by five to six units,” a resident said.

“I would like to see three to four units with space for a shed and a small tree.

“Whether we are down-sizing or are a first home buyer, we all need some open space around us.”

Macedon Ranges planning director Rebecca Stockfeld said council recognises that community members are concerned about “infill development” occurring in Riddells Creek.

“Council’s Planning Scheme, through the use of Neighbourhood Residential Zones in Riddells Creek and planning scheme policies, sets out a preferred neighbourhood character of areas within the town,” Ms Stockfeld said.

“Council’s role is to find the right balance between achieving positive character outcomes while also enabling diverse and new housing options in appropriate locations of Riddells Creek as guided by the planning scheme.”

Mr Herron said he and other residents had raised concerns that development in Riddells Creek was not being accompanied by appropriate infrastructure.

Ms Stockfeld said council held a community session last week to hear gauge feedback and perspectives of transport and movement around the town to inform the Riddells Creek Movement Network Study.

“Council actively reviews current and future community needs to support the growth and changes experienced by our towns,” Ms Stockfeld said.