Action plan extension

Macedon Ranges council Building (Damjan Janevski). 322848_01

Macedon Ranges council has extended its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for seven months, as it works to complete the remaining actions to celebrate and promote First Nations cultures, knowledges, skills and traditions in the region.

RAP was initially endorsed by council in September 2021, and since this time has completed most of its actions. The extension is sought due to delays from COVID lockdowns and staff resourcing.

Speaking at a meeting on October 25, councillor Jennifer Anderson said reconciliation plans are very important and help guide council.

“It’s hard for us to know what we should be doing with our Traditional Owner groups to help them achieve what they want to achieve in the Macedon Ranges,” she said.

“Although we are getting an extension, we appreciate that good work does take time and it does require resources, but we are fully committed to do this

“I am really pleased to have been on the journey to both create the plan but now to have this annual report.

“We look at what we’ve achieved, where we’re at, what can we do better next time and consult with our Traditional Owners and our advisory group.”

Since 2021, RAP has completed a range of actions including; embedding Welcome to Country Ceremonies in council events and activities, including a community Cultural Immersion Experience at Wil-im-mee-Moor-ring, as part of the Autumn Festival, and Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week events.

Council said it anticipates all RAP actions will be completed by June 2024.

Zoe Moffatt