A cricketing dream at specialist school

Max at the practice clinic. (Supplied)

It was a delightful day down at Sunbury and Macedon Ranges Specialist School on Tuesday last week, when DreamCricket Australia and Sunbury Rotary Club came together to donate two kits to the pupils.

DreamCricket works with Rotary Clubs to provide students with special needs an opportunity to play the beloved game.

Sunbury Rotary Club secretary Kerry Kirk said the donation day went “amazingly”.

“We walked in there and there were kids lined up doing it,” she said.

“There were smiles all over their faces. There were helpers blown away with kids who don’t normally engage, engaging.

“Kids bring kids, it was just beautiful to watch.”

DreamCricket president Peter Dell kicked off the day with an indoor clinic, with kids learning to bat, field and bowl, with the new gear.

Ms Kirk said Rotarians, teachers and staff all got involved and had a great time.

“Then it was outside and two teams competed in their first game of cricket. The scores were close with both teams batting and fielding but in the end, the final score was a draw with 468 runs scored by both teams in the close-fought match,” she said.