Carpark anger spurs petition

Sunbury residents say they have had enough of the town’s carparking woes.

The town’s residents association wants the state government to commit money from its $8.7 million railway station carparking fund to provide 100 extra Sunbury commuter car spaces.

Sunbury Residents Association president Peter Free said that the parking spaces were promised in 2009 as part of the train line’s electrification.

“There is a growing need for additional commuter carparking spaces in Sunbury,” Mr Free said. “It’s a huge issue … we do get the train commuters from the Macedon Ranges who come and park their cars in Sunbury all day adding to parking pressures.”

An online petition demanding extra parking capacity picked up more than 200 signatures in two days last week.

Stephen Kennedy, who initiated the petition, said Sunbury residents were being “deprived and ignored”.

“We as a community have had enough and we demand parking now,” he posted.

“Local businesses are also suffering … needless driving around in search of a parking space sees shoppers going elsewhere for their needs.

“Driving to Diggers Rest station is not a valid solution … their parking spaces will soon be filled up, too, with all the new housing that is being built there.”

The push for more railway station carparking comes on the back of Hume council’s recent proposal to impose a four-hour limit along Pasley Street to deter train commuters monopolising the street all day.

The west side of Pasley Street between Gap Road and Cornish Street will be limited to four-hour parking between 9am and 5pm.

Council sustainable infrastructure director Peter Waite said residents had indicated widespread support for the measure through a survey that was sent to all properties in the part of the street that would be affected.

“Of the responses the council received, more than 90 per cent of respondents were in favour of the proposal,” he said. “This will have the benefit of ensuring there is sufficient space available for residents and their visitors, who may need to come and go through the day and have been inconvenienced by the high level of all-day parking.

“All-day parking … will continue on one side of the street.”

View the petition online: