Good company, fresh food and lessons from a qualified chef will provide the ingredients for success at a new course starting on July 28 at Goonawarra Neighbourhood House.
Participants will increase their knowledge of nutrition and will be shown how to prepare healthy food on a budget before sharing a meal with their classmates.
Classes will be held at the community centre in Dornoch Drive on Thursdays.
Details: 9740 6627

Centre scores a double
Macedon Ranges Health has picked up two awards at Leading Aged Services Australia’s annual congress. The Gisborne-based centre was recognised for service innovation in community and home care, and for community engagement. Chief executive Don Tidbury said he was delighted. “[We] thank the community and our clients for their generous and ongoing support of our services,” he said. More than 50 people took part in a three-day Alzheimer’s Australia dementia education program at the centre last week.
Come and help out
Volunteers are being sought to help plan Lancefield’s Relay for Life on March 4 and 5 next year. People from a variety of backgrounds are needed ahead of the 15th annual event, with opportunities including co-ordinating ceremonies, logistics, catering and marketing. Details: or 1300 656 585.
Three in a row for swim team
Kyneton Sports and Aquatic Centre swim teacher Cheryl Knight has been recognised at an industry awards ceremony. Ms Knight received the award for best teacher of people with a disability. It’s the third consecutive year an award has been won by a member of the Kyneton centre’s staff.