Students are ‘partners in learning’ at Sunbury College

Year 10 students undertaking a hands-on learning activity in science. (Supplied)

Sunbury College is a co-educational secondary college located in the heart of Sunbury’s township.

The college is a thriving institution and is determined to foster deep connections with our growing local community.

At Sunbury, we are committed to ‘knowing your child’ both academically and personally. By knowing your child, we aim to create opportunities for them to excel in their strengths and accelerate their progress.

By viewing our students as partners in learning, we ensure that their emotional, social, and physical wellbeing is nurtured, and their learning pathways are maximised.

Our year 7 learning program (also known as LP7) is designed to support the gradual transition of students into secondary school. The program replicates key elements of primary school such as a significant teacher that teaches the class between one to three periods per day, a home room, and dedicated play area, while developing students’ independence and responsibility.

The program is supported by two year level co-ordinators and a transition co-ordinator who together ensure that year 7 students have a supported and enjoyable entry to secondary schooling.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)is a growing focus of our school. We have placed experienced staff members in both STEM and numeracy leadership positions as part of our strategic plan to drive an increase in STEM learning opportunities.

We have expanded the opportunities for students to participate in clubs and activities linked to STEM to create, then grow a curiosity for STEM learning.

This year we are further developing the capacity for teachers to implement design thinking pedagogy, introducing several new STEM curriculum units into our year 7 and 8 subjects, so students have a greater opportunity to experience and be challenged in STEM-based learning.