Discovering cardiac rehabilitation in the Macedon Ranges


Cardiac rehabilitation (cardiac rehab) plays a crucial role in helping individuals recover from heart-related events, such as heart attacks or surgeries, and in managing chronic heart conditions.

The Macedon Ranges Health (MRH) Cardiac Rehab program is designed to provide comprehensive support that empowers participants to lead healthier, more active lives while reducing the risk of future heart problems.

The program at MRH combines expert-led exercise routines, personalised education, and ongoing support tailored to each individual’s needs. The focus is on fostering long-term lifestyle changes that not only enhance physical health but also improve overall well-being. Cardiac rehab helps to support individuals to lower their chances of hospital readmission and can also reduce their risk of death from heart conditions.

Cardiac Rehab at MRH typically begins during the transition to outpatient care, whether at home or within the community, ensuring continuity in the rehabilitation process. MRH offers flexible options, including face-to-face sessions in a group setting or one-on-one appointments, based on the patient’s preference and comfort level.

A key component of the MRH program is the initial assessment with an exercise physiologist. This assessment ensures that each participant is ready to engage in group exercise sessions safely and effectively. The program is designed not just to restore heart function but also to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle.

For those seeking a structured and supportive environment to aid their recovery, the Heartsmart Cardiac Rehab Program at MRH is an excellent resource. To learn more, call (03) 5428 0300 and ask for Louise Beer, the program coordinator. She can provide additional details and help you take the first step toward a healthier heart