A year 7-12 coeducational school, ever-growing Sunbury Downs College has about 700 students who take advantage of the very best in teaching from highly capable and professional staff, according to principal Warwick Beynon.
Mr Beynon says the college incorporates two ‘mini-schools’: Middle Years (7-9), and Later Years (10-12).
“Within each mini-school, year level co-ordinators work with home group and classroom teachers to ensure that students’ school experience is positive,” he says.
“We have a student wellbeing team that includes a full-time youth worker, a college chaplain (pastoral care), a team leader, and an adolescent health school nurse two days a week. And a newly appointed mental health practitioner comes on board part-time in term 4.
“Our Learning Support team and Inclusion Co-ordinator also advocate and support students, whilst teams of teachers work in collaboration with mini-school staff to provide a learning environment that embraces and supports individual student needs.”
The recipient of the 2018 The Age VCE Excellence in Education for the Northern Region, Sunbury Downs College has consistently achieved outstanding VCE results – at or above the state average.
Major capital works have seen an upgrade to the science, physical education and student hub areas, while the brand-new Dulap Wilim Hub (shared community facility) encompasses two commercial teaching kitchens. IT classrooms have also been upgraded. School tours are available by appointment.
Sunbury Downs College, 148-174 Mitchells Lane, Sunbury. Inquiries: 9744 0500 or visit www.sunburydowns.vic.edu.au. The virtual tour can be found by clicking on the ‘About Us’ page, then ‘Facilities’.