Sunbury candidates put up their hands


Sunbury will be presented by just two councillors following this month’s council election. There is one vacancy in each of Jackson Hill Ward and Emu Creek Ward. We meet the candidates hoping to be elected to council.

Jacksons Hill Ward

Jarrod Bell

As a lifelong Sunbury local, I have a deep connection to this vibrant community. I attended local schools, worked for local businesses, and have proudly contributed to many community groups, including the 1st Sunbury Scouts, Sunbury Radio, SunFest, the Sunbury State Emergency Service (SES), Sunbury Blue-light Disco committee, Sunbury Pickleball Club, Boilerhouse Theatre Company, and the Sunbury RSL. I also founded the Sunbury ANZAC Youth Vigil. Growing up here taught me that we all have a duty to contribute and give back. This community and its people have given me so much, shaping who I am today. I am committed to giving back, helping to shape our community, and celebrating everything that makes Sunbury such a wonderful place to call home. Together, we can ensure it remains a fantastic place to live, work, and learn now and for generations to come.

John Karagiannidis

Sunbury is my passion! I’m John Karagiannidis,, a 35-year Sunbury resident, single dad who raised two kids. I’m a disability advocate and member of Sunbury Probus. A councillor must be a good listener. My expertise as councillor includes university qualifications, plus skills in financial, risk, regulatory management developed as an executive in public and private employment, ex- board director with disability/aged care providers and CPA. My passion and plan for Sunbury: Promote council transparency; minimise council waste; get Sunbury’s fair share of rates; improve our roads; balance development with conservation; improve health and safety by regularly clean town centre and streets; provide lifts at Sunbury train station; and increase disabled parking in Sunbury’s centre. Remember, councillors must serve you, not personal or political agendas. Why Vote for me? I will work for you!

Natalie Harrison

Twenty-five years living in Sunbury, a full-time working mum balancing many responsibilities and dedicating last 12 years volunteering my time to various committees and volunteering roles. l am 100 per cent independent, have no personal agenda. I am passionate, care about our community, will listen, engage and advocate for Bulla and Sunbury residents. I am your only candidate in Jacksons Hill Ward who is in touch with reality, understands how hard it is atm with cost of living. I am a team player, have proven to build relationships with all people despite their political stance. I want to ensure effective use of ratepayer funds, address issues through open debate, support local business, look at youth services, address toxic waste dumping and get back to issues which council should be focused on. If you want a representative who you can relate to please vote for me.

Emu Creek Ward

Kate Hamley

I’m running for election for Emu Creek Ward because I am determined to make a difference for our community. I’m a solo mum of two kids, and I’m feeling the pressure of the cost of living crisis that’s hurting our community. We have lived in Sunbury for eight years and have made wonderful connections through our school community. I’ve actively volunteered on the school council and parents and friends group, helping to raise thousands of dollars to support our students. I care about people, and have volunteered for various campaigns over the years fighting for equality, fairness and justice. I am currently participating in the Hume Sustainability Taskforce to contribute to solving local environmental issues. I’m a scientist with an honours degree, and I have the ability to find evidence based solutions to complex problems. I participated in the Women Leading Locally Fellowship which has given me the skills and knowledge to hit the ground running as an effective community representative. You can read more about me on my website at

Jack Medcraft

This election is based on representation and who can work best with the fellow council wards in Hume. My standing this time is for three items: I want a 24-hour emergency service at the Sunbury Day Hospital, I’d also like to see the road between Oaklands Road and the Tullamarine Freeway duplicated at some stage – or have a master plan to do it – and the third is to have the outdoor swimming pool at the aquatic centre fully enclosed so that people can use it 360 days a year. I’ve been a councillor for a number of years and have represented the people in council, in-person, in all of those years that I’ve been there. Get Jack back if you want things done!

Trevor Dance

My vision is to have a city we can all be proud of and provide the services expected of council. Not overseas trips. Sunbury to have a full modern aquatic centre. To have a council that is accountable. To remove waste in council and have no rate increases. To protect our environment.