My Place

Riddells Creek Men's Shed secretary Don Clark at his Riddells Creek home. (Damjan Janevski). 431964_05

Riddells Creek Men’s Shed secretary Don Clark is a proud Riddells Creek resident and enjoys being part of a men’s shed community. Oscar Parry spoke with Don about his connection to the town and the men’s shed.

What is your connection to Riddells Creek?

We purchased land and built our house here in the mid 1970s. We raised two wonderful children, adults now, and we couldn’t be more proud of them. Both attended the Riddells Creek Primary School and went on to Gisborne Secondary College. Both are dedicated workers with strong work ethics. My wife Chris and I are very proud parents. Raising our children in Riddells Creek ensured they had the right environment.

I worked for Ansett Airlines for over 30 years, initially in the crewing department, progressing from there to the day of operations section. This was a dream job and I enjoyed the sometimes stressful disruptions due to aircraft unserviceability, bad weather, and other day of operation issues.

How have you been involved in the community?

After establishing our three quarter acre property I joined the Riddells Creek CFA volunteer fire brigade just prior to the Ash Wednesday fire. In 1990, I was elected secretary – a position I held for 16 years until 2006. During this same period, I took on the position of fire equipment maintenance officer. Among other service awards I received the National Medal, CFA Life Membership Award and RCFB Life Membership Award. I remain – although less active – a Riddells Creek Fire Brigade member.

In the mid 1980s, I was ‘persuaded’ to stand for a board position on the Riddells Creek Water Board. In the late 1990s, I was appointed to the position of chairman by the Victorian Government. Recently, this authority has been amalgamated with City West Water to form Greater Western Water.

Early in 2003, along with my wife and other interested community members, we joined [with] MRSC to discuss the use of a $150,000 government grant to best serve the Riddells Creek community’s needs. It was subsequently agreed by this group, along with strong endorsement by Macedon Ranges council, that Riddells Creek should establish a neighbourhood house using the above grant.

MRSC made a commitment of an additional $50,000 to the project.

After many meetings, the group settled on redeveloping the old … principals’ residence, next to the Montessori school, into a neighbourhood house.

What do you like about where you live?

While we have some infill and unit development, Riddells Creek still has a village atmosphere to it.

What, if anything, would you change about where you live?

The upcoming [proposed] Amess Road development – we need to ensure it meets the community’s requirements.

What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Riddells Creek Men’s Shed?

Our shed has always been about the camaraderie and support all members give to each other. Even though we don’t have an actual shed at the moment, this support is still there.