Sunbury CFA calls for volunteers

Sunbury CFA Fire Brigade firefighters Jason Govan and Darryl Van Rooy. (Damjan Janevski). 428161_04

Sunbury CFA Fire Brigade is calling for more volunteers, with both operational and support roles available.

Sunbury CFA captain Paul Brown said due to the multifaceted nature of fire stations, there are a wide range of roles available.

“There’s a place for everyone really, whether that be operational or a support role. We’ve also got a junior program … so we’re happy to take on kids and show them the basic ideas of firefighting and they get taught life skills … and can then move onto [senior firefighting] once they turn 16,” Mr Brown said.

Mr Brown said CFA stations are a friendly and social environment.

“I’ve met some lifelong friends through the fire brigade. We have social nights and a presentation dinner once a year … a lot of us meet up outside of the brigade,” he said.

“All CFA stations are probably the same … in what we do and the people [it] attracts. I think fundamentally, you’ve got a group of people who are basically prepared to do pretty much anything for someone they’ve never met.”

To join the Sunbury CFA Brigade, Mr Brown said the first step is to submit an expression of interest on the CFA website which then gets directed to the station.

From there, applicants are invited to an information night followed by a casual interview with an opportunity for questions and a tour of the station.

The foundational course for becoming a firefighter is the General Firefighter course (GFF), where there are then pathways to further qualifications and courses, such as truck driving and HAZMAT training.


Oscar Parry