Pyjamas with purpose

Killara Primary School students Holly, Molly, Santina, Noah, and Harry with some of the donated items. (Damjan Janevski). 426787_03

Killara Primary School in Sunbury held a pyjama day and non-perishable item donation drive, providing support to a local crisis-relief centre.

Students and staff wore their pyjamas and donated non-perishable items including canned food, toiletries, and more to not-for-profit centre CareWorks Sunbury.

Killara Primary School principal Sue Muir said that the day saw plenty of involvement from both staff and students.

“It was a huge success and all students and all staff were comfortable and cosy for the day wearing their pyjamas to school in return for a donation for CareWorks Sunbury,” Ms Muir said.

“This is our third year of doing this and we were hoping this year that we’ve raised a record amount of goods for CareWorks,” she said.

Ms Muir said student involvement in the non-perishable item drive has broad benefits.

“Part of what we want to do is try and put back into our local community, and for all of our students to have a sense of community and giving back – that … they’re able to have that sense of social awareness,” she said.

The donated items will be presented to CareWorks at a school assembly on Monday, September 2.

Operating a facility on Elizabeth Drive, CareWorks Sunbury provides crisis relief to the local area through its food bank service and accepts money and non-perishable item donations.