More sport support

The recipients represent a wide range of sports and organisations.

In a year that will be remembered for the record-breaking FIFA Women’s World Cup, Victorian women, including those in Sunbury and Macedon Ranges, will be able to undertake a range of professional development and training.

Community Sport Minister Ros Spence announced 70 recipients will undertake a range of professional development and training through the 2023-24 Change Our Game Professional Development Scholarships Program.

The recipients represent a wide range of sports and organisations, including lacrosse, lifesaving, basketball, cricket, sport climbing and disability sports.

Ms Spence said they are driving gender equality in sport, and they need more women in leadership roles to achieve this.

“This program supports women in their pathway to leadership, no matter what career stage they are in,” she said.

“Equality in sport is non-negotiable in Victoria and the change our game professional development scholarships program will ensure more women have the skills to thrive in sport and recreation.”

Four streams of development opportunities to support women at every stage of their career were offered as part of this year’s program.

The grants include professional development and sports governance courses, access to leading career coaches to help develop their career pathway and skills.

Football Victoria Metropolitan Development Coordinator Sophie Byrnes will undertake a New Leader Development Course to gain skills and insights into effective leadership as part of the program’s Learning stream.
