Warblers’ big night out

Warblers' bass singers Steve McCann and Max Pietruschka (supplied).

The Woodend Warblers recently gathered for a night of singing and feasting at the Pig and Whistle Hotel in Trentham to mark the end of another joyful term of singing together.

There was lots of camaraderie and cheerfulness while the Warblers tucked into their meals, and the moment choir director Andrew Price asked who wanted to sing, the room came alive.

Group member Vicki Hunt described the impromptu song break.

“I was out of the dining room when the singing started, but when I returned there was a new warmth and energy in the room,” she said.

Fellow member Trish Hartshorn said it was a perfect evening.

“Another wonderful warbler gathering. Fun, friendship and music. Just perfect,” she said.

The Warblers have been getting together for five years and are a welcoming and safe environment for anyone who wants to sing.

The sense of warmth and togetherness in the choir happens naturally while choristers are stumbling through a new song and gradually turning it into a showpiece.

There are no auditions and even those who say they can’t sing are supported to find their voice and confidence.

Mr Price finds a way for even the most timid to join in and experience the happiness of singing with others and creating lovely harmonies.

The Warblers meet every Wednesday night, except the school holidays, at the Norma Richardson Hall at 7.30 pm. They will start again on Wednesday, October 4.

Details: Andrew on 0419 604 444.