Moves for new Landcare group

The meeting on will be held on Wednesday, October 11.

Rural Hume landholders are invited to attend a community meeting about forming a new Landcare group to make a positive contribution to the natural environment.

Upper Deep Creek Landcare Network, with support from Hume council, will hold the meeting on Wednesday, October 11, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm at Jack McKenzie Community Centre, Bulla.

Committee member John Robinson said there was a previous Sunbury Landcare Group, but it went into recess in 2019.

“It would be fantastic to see local landholders come together to re-establish Sunbury Landcare Group,” he said.

“A new [group] would provide… a way of working together to help protect and enhance the local natural environment, address their common land management issues, and access project funding.

“Rural landholders… can play a part to ensure the local landscape is cared for and managed sustainably into the future.”

Mr Robinson said the meeting will discuss what a new group could do and what starting it involves.

“Landcare groups bring local people together to discuss, design, and implement practical solutions to address their shared land management issues, and to share their knowledge and expertise.

“This includes organising workshops, information sessions, and field days to increase landholders’ knowledge about land management issues such as weeds and pest animals.

Mr Robinson said the focus and priorities of the group, if formed, will be driven by its members.

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