More awards for Hume

Residents who win a community award will receive $500

Zoe Moffatt

Hume residents will now be able to get a letter from the mayor for a significant milestone, under the latest changes to council awards and recognitions.

At its meeting on Monday, August 14, council voted to implement a mayoral recognition program and annual community awards, which follows the rebranding of councils Australia Day Awards in 2022.

Councillor Naim Kurt said he is excited to see the recognition program start up and the return of the Hume awards.

“We are now making [the awards] into a much bigger event with more categories and I’m really looking forward to seeing our community members recognised,” Cr Kurt said.

“We will be going out to the community and asking them to nominate people and [I’m] looking forward to seeing all of those hidden heroes in the community being recognised and celebrated.

“In addition, pending council approval, a new website will be launched which allows members of the community to nominate residents who should be recognised for celebrating milestones.”

Council said community feedback was sought on category nominations in May and June of this year, in which 52 responses were received.

Residents who win a community award will also receive $500, and the event has been accounted for in the 2023-24 budget.

The eight categories include; academic excellence, advocacy and social justice, arts and creative expression, community service excellence, environmental stewardship, multicultural community leadership, outstanding community leadership, and sports and recreation achievement.

The award selection panel will consist of the mayor, deputy mayor, two independent community representatives, and an officer representing council.

Cr Jim Overend said it was great to see the recognition expand through the different award categories.

“It’s great to see acknowledgement going out there to eight different groups across the board, so not sticking to one area, it goes right across,” he said.

“Also acknowledging special events like hundred birthdays I think that all adds to it.”

Council said the funding for the mayoral recognition program is also within the 2023-24 budget.