My Place

Gillian Gorrie is a Romsey resident and published author (Damjan Janevski). 351944_06

Romsey resident and author Gillian Gorrie tells Zoe Moffatt about her almost four decade connection to the Macedon Ranges and how her mental health journey led to the release of her first book.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your connection to Romsey

My name is Gillian Gorrie and I am a Stress Management Specialist and now a published author. I have lived in Romsey in the Macedon Ranges for approximately 38 years and I love where I live. I have been involved in the community over the years and truly believe community and environment are an integral part of living a life you can love.

What do you like about where you live?

The Macedon Ranges has so many places to visit and chill out, from breastfeeding my son on Hanging Rock in the early days, to enjoying the peace and tranquillity of walking on many of the popular trails in and around the area.

What, if anything, would you change about where you live?

Serious input from local government to support the needs of our community. The roads, public transport, street lighting, support for local businesses and more.

Where is your favourite local place to spend time?

I love going to local libraries and cafes to work, if I stay home I get distracted right

Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you?

I grew up on a dairy farm in Gippsland, I am an artist, a teacher, a Life coach and a Stress Management Specialist.

You recently wrote a book, tell us about it and your experience?

My journey of life’s challenges – not unlike many others – led to a life of medication in my early fifties. I was unhappy until I made a decision that there must be more to life than antidepressants and the misery I was feeling. I was diagnosed with depression and the doctor was about to up my antidepressants, it was then that I made the decision that enough is enough. And so started my journey into the driver’s seat of my life.

For as long as I can remember I have been insatiably curious about human potential and my journey through self-development started with education, training and research. Now I have the tools, the passion and the life experience to support others on their journey.

Throughout covid I was encouraged to write a book and it’s called Who’s Driving Your Bus?’ It is a personal development program with the tools and the structure to get you back in the driving seat of your life. So if things are not quite right in your life, and you feel that you need to change something, then this book may be for you.