Little red riding da hood

Tylden Primary School students practising for their production (supplied).

Tylden Primary School students are preparing for the annual school production, which has put a twist on the traditional Little Red Riding Hood fairytale.

The whole school production includes about 125 students and will be held at the Sacred Heart College theatre on August 4, at 7pm.

Performing arts specialist teacher Sue Redman said the students are getting excited and have been preparing for most of term two and term three.

“The year 6 children have speaking parts and they have been practising for quite a while now… the other classes do a dance that is dispersed in the story line,” Ms Redman said.

“The production is based on the classic fairytale but it has a twist… they’re like a punky version of little red riding hood… they’re too cool.

“Little red riding hood refers to herself as the red hoodie and enjoys roading through the woods with her little group of punsters.”

Ms Redman said the production includes the parents and gives children a chance to explore the performing arts.

“It just allows those children that don’t have the experience of going to dance and music to get that experience here at school,” she said.

“We also have some parents who have helped with costumes and some who are playing piano and guitar for songs as backing.

“We all come together at the end for the final dance and we invite the parents to come up and do it with us… It’s a lovely way to finish the concert.”

Zoe Moffatt