Hope for Lions Club revival

(L-R) Tom Kaitler, Helena Thompson, John Hoban and Jim Hardey (Damjan Janevski). 345112_01

Sunbury Lions Club has been thrown a lifeline amid closure plans for the 59-year-old club due to dwindling membership.

On June 19, committed club member Jim Harvey returned the club charter in a quiet meeting at the Ball Court Hotel in Sunbury.

This meeting was set to be the clubs last, which was chartered in 1964 as the first service club in the town of about 1300 people.

While hopes to keep the club running seemed to be dashed, Lion member John Hoban said there is a potential revival of the club.

“The continuing presence of an active Lions Club in Sunbury has been thrown a lifeline,” Mr Hoban said.

“A past district governor … Stan Falloon … is heading the revival of the club by inviting concerned families, individuals and any interested parties to offer themselves to restart the club.

“[This will continue the club’s mission] to help those in our community who are less fortunate than themselves.”

Mr Hoban said he believes the membership has dwindled due to a loss of community engagement following the transfer of Lions Community Aged Care in 2021, and later closure.

“In March 2020 we learned … the facility would close on March 31, leaving 40 staff to lose their jobs, the 33 frailed aged residents to find a new home and Sunbury without a single not for profit aged care bed.”

“It’s all very depressing,” he said.

Despite this event, Mr Hoban is hopeful for the club’s revival and encourages anyone interested to reach out.

“[While] the now-retired members of the club will continue to enjoy their well-earned retirement, their expertise is available to incoming members.”

Details: Stan Falloon, 0418 555 035, or sfalloon@bigpond.net.au

Zoe Moffatt