Level Crossing removals fast-tracked

Level crossing removals across along the Melton and Sunbury lines are being fast-tracked by the state government.

Level crossing removals across along the Sunbury and Melton lines are being fast-tracked by the state government to ease congestion and cut travel times sooner.

The state government has removed 70 level crossings and with the program more than a year ahead of schedule, the next crossing removals are being brought forward.

In Melbourne’s outer west, removing four level crossings by 2026 will pave the way for more train services with 50 per cent more capacity along the Melton line.

On the Sunbury line, crossings at the Old Calder Highway and Watsons Road in Diggers Rest are also being fast-tracked, with road bridges to be built at both locations by 2025 – a year earlier than planned.

The state government is now planning for Melton to be boom gate-free two years ahead of schedule, with a new Melton Station to suit its growing population and allow nine-car VLocity trains to run along the corridor by 2028, when the Melton Line Upgrade is complete.

Removing boom gates at gates Coburns Road, Exford Road and Ferris Road in Melton, and at Hopkins Road in Truganina, will unclog the roads for more than 73,000 vehicles each day – with the boom gates down and causing traffic frustration for up to 28 minutes in the morning peak as 16 trains pass along the corridor.

The state government plans to remove 110 level crossings across Melbourne by 2030, which will also ease road congestion and improve access for trucks travelling around to industrial areas.

Transport and Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan said the government is “focused on getting Victorians where they need to be, by car and by train, even faster than we promised”.

“We haven’t wasted a moment getting rid of 70 dangerous and congested level crossings, and we’re not slowing down – with more crossings across Melbourne fast-tracked and delivering community benefits years ahead of schedule,” she said.