Free child safety training

Riddells Creek Neighbourhood House community development manager Lisa Linton prepares for the child safe training talk (Damjan Janevski). 336333_03

Riddells Creek Neighbourhood House (RCNH) will be holding free child safety training for community groups on Tuesday, June 6.

The training will be held at RCNH from 6.30pm to 9pm, and will include training on creating child safe environments, identifying and mitigating risks, keeping records and good child safe practices.

Community development manager Lisa Linton said RCNH received the funding from Macedon Ranges council and has sourced ChildSafe to run the training.

“Every year we get some funding to do something different in terms of upskilling our community groups and organisations,” Ms Linton said.

“Last year there were some new legislation around child safety and new standards that were brought in.

“The idea is to make it as simple and easy to be updated around legislation changes and creating a child safe environment.”

Ms Linton said resources will be available to the groups that come to the training, and free supper, tea and coffee will be provided.

“One person per local community group is free, but we’re happy to be flexible with that as we’d like to have as many people come along as possible,” she said.

“Most of our organisations have touch points with kids at some stage and so it’s good to be across all the standards so children can participate as much as possible.

“And that parents can be comfortable that their kids are in a safe environment.”

Community groups interested in the training should RSVP by June 1 via email or phone.

Details: or 54287836

Zoe Moffatt