36 years of the Sunbury Art Society show

Sunbury Art Society held its 36th Annual Show (L-R): Robyn Pryse, Marina Zakryszka, Yvonne Bradford and Julieanne Beckham (Damjan Janevski). 331565_03

Sunbury Art Society held its 36th annual show recently with a range of local artwork on display at Sunbury’s Boilerhouse Gallery.

The exhibition ran from May 6 to May 13, with Hume councillor Jarrod Bell opening proceedings for the show on May 5.

Society vice president Robyn Pryse said the night was well attended despite the chilly weather, with wine and nibbles helping to warm up attendees.

“There were some beautiful works on display to showcase skill and talent,” Ms Pryse said.

“Without all [the] wonderful contributions and hard work, we wouldn’t be able to run the show.

“Heartfelt thanks to all of you.”

Hume council offered its congratulations to the society at its meeting on Monday, May 8, with Cr Bell talking about his time at the exhibition.

“It is without a doubt in my mind one of the pinnacles of arts and culture in the Sunbury and broader Hume community,” Cr Bell said.

“Bringing together hundreds of people across our community and displaying the works of about 25 fanatics artists from all different age ranges, skill sets and mediums.

“Of particular note… I would like to highlight the fact that students of the Sunbury and Macedon Ranges specialists school… participate and have their own gallery space.

“[It is] a fantastic partnership.”

The Sunbury Art Society also has an upcoming exhibition running from June 22 to September 3, at the Hume Global Learning Centre in Sunbury to feature works from more than 40 society members.

Zoe Moffatt